Troubleshooting your internet line with your ISP

Troubleshooting your internet line with your ISP

I'm sure im not the only one that doesnt get the a solid and reliable internet service from their service provider. As a Web Application Developer these intermittent issues cause a lot of frustration and downtime. My ISP in most cases asks for a large amount of information during a lengthy email exchange and Ive compiled it in to a script to speed up the exchange.

These commands are run from the terminal on macOS

For starters im asked to provide a time when these issues are taking place. I run the following:

#displays the date
#Fri Jun  5 13:30:31 SAST 2020

Next they want to confirm my external IP. Im using a dig command for this found it here.

dev$ dig +short

Next they ask for a speedtest to be done. Im using the CLI speedtest tool from OOKLA found here. My ISP insists that the speedtest be done against their server. you can get a list of servers close to your location using the --servers argument and then specify the server using --server-id=#

# fetches a list of servers close to your location
dev$ speedtest --servers

# does a speedtest to a specific server
dev$ speedtest --server-id=12286

Next up is a ping test. they requested it be done to their site url.

dev$ ping -c 10

Then a ping test to my local gateway.

dev$ ping -c 10

And finally a traceroute to their website as well.

dev$ traceroute

My full bash script is below with the commands I've mentioned so far in one.

echo "###################### TEST DETAILS ###########################"
echo "Time: $(date)"
echo "External IP: $(dig +short"
echo "######################## SPEEDTEST ############################"
speedtest --server-id=12286
echo "###############################################################"
echo ""
echo "#################### PING AFRIHOST.COM ########################"
ping -c 10
echo "###############################################################"
echo ""
echo "###################### PING GATEWAY ###########################"
ping -c 10
echo "###############################################################"
echo ""
echo "############### RUN TRACEROUTE AFRIHOST.COM ###################"
echo "###############################################################"

I run this and pipe the output in to a txt file that I attach to the email I send my ISP when opening a ticket.

dev$ ./ >> linetest.txt